For Tai Chi & Qigong Teachers For Institutions For Consumers

For Tai Chi and Qigong Instructors


Tai Chi Certification ATCQA Membership Free Services for All Instructors
"Having a certification from a recognized source like ATCQA has been a big help in being able to teach Tai Chi and Qigong to the general public facilities such as YMCA's, health clubs, recreation centers, adult education programs, wellness programs for business entities as well as health wellness programs that some insurance companies offer their clients. "
Salvatore Casano, PhD in Holistic Health, ATCQA Certified Tai Chi Instructor (Level-III)
Strengthen your professional image and receive services that help you grow your skills, knowledge and business by becoming an ATCQA member. Get listed in ATCQA's National Tai Chi and Qigong Instructor Search Engine for free! Simply register here.