ATCQA Advisory Board
Dr. Roger Jahnke
Roger Jahnke, OMD (Oriental Medicine Doctorate), has dedicated his life to sharing the powerful ancient healing traditions of China. With over two decades of clinical practice as a physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine and eight research tours to China, Dr. Jahnke has practiced and taught Qigong and Tai Chi in the United States, Canada, and Asia for over30 years.
Dr. Jahnke has presented at major conferences on advances in complementary and alternative medicine and integrative medicine in New York, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and San Diego. He has lectured on self-healing and alternative medicine to numerous hospital systems and health care associations, including the American Medical Association and the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Articles written by Dr. Jahnke have appeared in numerous professional journals. He has published a popular Qigong instruction video, Awakening and Mastering the Medicine Within You. He is co-author of the Qigong chapter in the ground breaking book Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. He is also the author of two books: The Healer Within: Using Chinese Techniques to Awaken Your Body's Inner Medicine, (Harper - San Francisco, 1997 and 1999), and The Healing Promise of Qi: Supreme Wellness through Qigong and Tai Chi (Contemporary Books, a division of McGraw- Hill, 2002).
Roger is one of the founders of the National Qigong Association (NQA) and the founder and director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC). He is a consultant on Qigong and Tai Chi research for the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and numerous universities receiving funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Dr. Keith Jeffery
Dr. Keith Jeffery, a 25 year Tai Chi veteran in British Columbia, Canada, is a world leader in the field of Tai Chi for fitness and health promotion. He has created many very popular and effective Tai Chi instructional videos and nutritional audiotapes. Much of his time is devoted to teaching "4 Minute Fitness" to businesses and organizations, helping employees learn easy and effective ways to decrease stress and find balance and peace. In addition, Dr. Jeffery certifies instructors and teaches the general public "Easy Tai Chi" for health enhancement through videos, web based distance learning programs and international seminars.
Dr. Jeffery has an extensive Western medical background (companion animal veterinarian) and Eastern Complementary and Alternative training in Tai Chi and Qigong. By integrating the health benefits from Western and Eastern medicine, he developed consumer-oriented Tai Chi video programs such as "Tai Chi for Busy People" and "4 Minute Fitness", emphasizing the need to easily and effectively create balance and vitality in a fast changing, time-pressured society.
Dr. Jeffery is committed to promoting Tai Chi for health improvement. He is an outstanding public speaker and coach of the coaches. He is a pioneer using the Internet to deliver Tai Chi concepts to overcome "9-11" mental disruption.
Ms. Susan A. Matthews
Susan A. Matthews, M.S., N.D. has been practicing and teaching Taijiquan,
Qigong, and Spirituality for over 30 years. Her internal martial arts training
is enhanced by over 20 years of study and research in the biomedical sciences,
including Neuroscience, Human Anatomy, Physiology, Neuroendocrinology, and
Neurochemistry, as well as a large number of Naturopathic healing technologies.
Dr. Matthews' students benefit greatly from a rare integration of Western
scientific and Oriental energetics. Dr. Matthews' graduate research focused on
Parkinson's Disease and movement disorders, neural circuitry in the developing
spinal cord, synchronized movement biomechanics, neural regeneration after
stroke, pineal gland neuroendocrinology, and biological rhythms.
Dr. Matthews is Founder, Shanti School of Taijiquan. She developed Brain
Workshop seminars focusing on neurorehabilitation after stroke, Parkinson's,
aging and frailty (balance, bone strength, circulation, stress reduction). She
presents Spiral Anatomy seminars nationally, specializing in high performance
biomechanics and synchronized movement training for Tai Chi and sports including
running, equestrian riding, mountain biking and skiing. Over the last fifteen
years Dr. Matthews has developed and taught professionals Spiral Anatomy
Orthopedic Integration Therapy for chronic pain based on Taiji principles of
natural movement and is currently developing a cutting-edge multimedia Spiral
Anatomy Online Course. Training and Certification Programs are uniquely
designed for the individual practitioner.
Susan has produced numerous instructional videos including "Mind and Energy
Movement in Taijiquan," "Blood Circulation and Energy Gathering Qigong," "Brain
Workshop," "Eight Pieces of Brocade," and "Daily Breast Massage." Masters From
China Video Productions has produced over 60 videos of Chinese Masters. Dr.
Matthews is United States Vice President for The Worldwide Association for
Chinese Internal Martial Arts (WACIMA), Shanghai. She studies Chen Taiji,
Xing-Yi, and Lan Shou with Master George Xu (San Francisco), and with Wu Taiji
Grand Master Wang Hao Da (Shanghai) 1997-2001; Naturopathy and Homeopathy,
Tibetan Medical Qigong with Robin Murphy, N.D.
Susan has owned and operated Serai Communication Arts for nearly 35 years as a
graphic artist and designer. Her experience in cartography, desktop publishing,
book publishing, catalog marketing, web design and marketing, video editing and
production, and more recent expansion into e-Learning with Spiral Anatomy
Online Course is helping her promote the benefits of Taijiquan and Qigong.